1. Conducting scientific research with great success and high efficiency with applications in the field of technology.
2. Supporting university staff and students by collaborating with researchers who are experts in the field of technology.
3. Support strategic studies that enable public and private institutions and organizations to keep pace with the world and add value to their stakeholders and society by creating a technology plan.
4. Creating a national and international network for information exchange that includes relevant centers, entities, public and private institutions and organizations active in the field of strategy and technology in our country and abroad.
5. Development of university infrastructure in the areas of research, consultancy and projects; cooperation with national and international organizations and all relevant units of universities, conducting joint studies and making statements to stakeholders, organizing scientific meetings within the framework of the objectives of the center, participation in seminars, fairs and conferences.
6. Companies qualified as External Stakeholders; contributing to the production of knowledge in the field of strategy and technology and assuming a scientific leadership and support role according to the needs of companies in related fields.